(Belgrade, 1965)

Zoran Todorović, in his works, deals with the topics of contemporary information culture, surveillance, biopolitical management and control by uncovering inconvenient truths and hidden motivations. He takes on the established limits of participation and ethical and aesthetical standards.

Todorović’s works can be classified into three groups. Those in the first one use physical and chemical laws through which he creates a possible physical discomfort, such as in the work Laughter (2001), when he filled the air with nitric oxide (laughing gas). In the second group are the works which use models of management, discipline and surveillance as the mechanisms for the functioning of power, as in Hush (1998 – 1999) or Gypsies and Dogs (2007). Works from the third group are about the body and its waste material. In the work Agalma (2004) the participants washed themselves with soap made of the fat removed from the artist’s body during surgery.

Todorović is one of the founders of the New Media Department in the Faculty of Arts at the Art University in Belgrade, where he teaches Transmedia Research.
