Juraj Dobrović is an artist and member of the artistic movement New Tendencies.
From the immediate family of members of the New Tendencies movement of which he was a part (Ivan Picelj, Vjenceslav Richter, Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos etc.) and the extended family of devotees of rational geometric structures to which he also contributed (Picelj, Richter, Duje Jurić, Julije Knifer etc.), Dobrović powerfully employs his unique analytical system in which he varies the effect of light, dissolves and overlaps complementary forms, but also questions expressions of universal duality and complementarity.
Juraj Dobrović created an oeuvre which is an active and vital contribution to building a new plastic culture that expressed operating values and emanated spirituality, profoundly rooted in the reality of the epoch in which it arose. It rightly enjoys a very high and utterly distinct position in Croatia’s fine arts from the beginning until now.